Manage Your Liver

A deadly liver disease is on the rise - NASH

A deadly liver disease is on the rise - NASH

NASH (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) is closely linked with NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Both of these liver diseases are common, and are often known as silent liver killers. NASH resembles alcoholic liver disease, but occurs in people who drink little or no alcohol at all. The major characteristic of NASH is fat in the liver, along with inflammation and damage. NASH can be severe and can lead to cirrhosis. The number of NASH cirrhosis patients is currently on the rise, and it is predicted (NAFLD & NASH) to be the number 1 cause of liver transplants by 2020. [1]


No medication treatment, but there is a great hope

NASH affects 2 to 5 percent of Americans. An additional 10 to 20 percent of Americans have fat in their liver, but no inflammation or liver damage; this condition is called “fatty liver.” Although having some fat in the liver is normal, some people might develop inflammation because of this fat accumulation, this is when it turns into NASH. The reason behind this is still unknown, moreover, there is yet to be an official medicine for NASH, or NASH with cirrhosis. [2]


Despite that, YHK Therapy, a formulated compound made from natural ingredients has shown that damaged liver cells can be repaired, and liver damage caused by NASH can be treated. The promising signs shown by the method of preventing liver cell damage have lead pharmaceutical companies to start researching on and developing drugs that have similar function as YHK Therapy. 


What is killing the liver?

The death of liver cells and ongoing inflammation is the main cause of many liver diseases. Usually, liver cells are killed by one of two major mechanisms: apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, or necrosis, which is uncontrolled cell death caused by infection, toxins or trauma. Both of these mechanisms can produce a state of acute and/or chronic inflammation. 


Check your ALT

The main marker to determine the degree of liver cell death is the ALT enzyme level, which is tested in liver function tests. ALT is an enzyme that is produced in liver cells and is naturally contained in the liver of healthy individuals. However, in liver disease patients, liver cells are damaged and as a result, ALT is released into the blood, increasing ALT levels to above the normal range. To monitor a patient's liver condition, ALT level is an important clinical biochemical marker of the severity of liver inflammation and the extent of liver disease. [3]


Normalise ALT level in days with YHK

ALT is the primary marker for all liver diseases including NASH. Patients with NASH often have high ALT levels, ranging from around 100 to as high as 1000. Normal ALT level should be around 45 to 50, the lower the better. If your ALT level is around the 20-30 range, then you have great liver health.


A pilot clinical study of YHK shows that YHK can lower patients’ ALT level within days, and all subjects’ ALT levels were brought back to normal level (under 40) after using YHK for 30 days. No side effect was observed during the use of the natural therapy.


If you are currently experiencing NASH, with or without cirrhosis, you are welcome to send us any questions or contact our support team for further information about YHK.


The above YHK study was conducted in a university in Canada by PAUL MAROTTA, MD and was later published in the medical journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2006 and is currently listed on [4]


  • * All research and clinical data should be used as reference purposes only, results may vary.
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