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60s Male
I discovered that I have Non-A, Non B hepatitis (now we call Hep C) in January 1991, since then I visited both traditional Chinese medicine clinic and public hospital to cure my illness. They prescribed me [Stronger Neo-Minophagen C],[Ursosan] and [Glycyron] for a while but my liver enzymes raised to GOT(74),GPT(174),γ-GTP(233).
I was very worried because I knew if GPT can’t be controlled under 80~90, there is much higher risk of developing liver cancer. So I started to search information about how to lower GPT on the internet and found YHK.
On January 2008, my condition has made me very desperate so I began to take YHK 3 tablets x 3 times per day for 4 months. And the results came up amazingly which my liver enzymes dropped to GOT(55),GPT(37),γ-GTP(103).
I have been taking YHK for 8 years now after the first dose and thankfully my latest rustles were GOT(39),GPT(47),γ-GTP(65). Now I reduced my dose to YHKx1, DTSx2 per day and with my daily walk, it helps me to become a healthier person and hopefully to achieve a longer life.
Thank you for your efforts and products.
* All reviews are provided by actual users of YHK and should be used as reference purposes only, as each individual health condition is different, results may vary.
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