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Ben Quah

I have hepatitis B for over 30 years, I have had interferon treatment and all the rest, tried all kinds of herbal supplement, milk thistle and all that, but nothing work as well as YHK. I have had YHK for a few months now, and it’s effects is very positive, no side effects, I feel much more awake and blood test shows really positive results. Liver’s ALT AST back to normal level, although virus count still high, my doctor recommend me to keep using YHK for now. One down side about YHK, it is expensive. And it is not something that you canstop taking after the liver function is back to normal. I think this is one of the biggest downside about it. I would recommend this only if you can afford it.

Ben Quah


* All reviews are provided by actual users of YHK and should be used as reference purposes only, as each individual health condition is different, results may vary.
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